DCP Update Center: COVID-19 & Safe Return to In-Person Instruction
DCP continues taking steps to protect the health and safety of our school communities, as well as honoring our students’ need to learn. On this page you will find specific steps we have taken and are taking as part of our response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) concern as well as resources and updates for family.
We continue to work with CDPH in order to have a safe community. DCP has adopted the CDPH Testing Framework for k-12 Schools for the 2022-23 School Year.
School Updates 2021-22
May 23, 2022
Dear DCP Families,
We want to update you on masking at DCP. Following up on our last communication sent on April 25th regarding masking, DCP noted that we would review our COVID cases within the 4 DCP sites and the county guidelines to decide whether or not to continue to require masking indoors. We noted the increase in COVID-19 cases in our school and community. Effective tomorrow Tuesday, May 24th, masks INDOORS and OUTDOORS will be required at our DCP schools for both students and staff as per updated CDC guidelines. Please keep in mind that we will continue to monitor case levels and adjust our health and safety protocols if anything changes.
To be clear, masks are REQUIRED indoors and outdoors at our DCP schools.
Please continue to do your part to maintain a safe and healthy environment by getting fully vaccinated, staying home if feeling sick, and testing often. We thank you for your continued support and understanding as we take every step to preserve the health and safety of our students and staff.
23 de Mayo de 2022
Estimadas familias de DCP,
Queremos ponerlos al día sobre el uso de máscaras en DCP. Según nuestra última comunicación enviada el 25 de abril con respecto al uso de máscaras, DCP señaló que revisaríamos nuestros casos de COVID dentro de los 4 planteles de DCP y las directrices del condado para decidir si continuar o no requiriendo el uso de máscaras en el interior de los planteles. La disminución que señalamos en nuestra última comunicación en los casos de COVID-19 en nuestras escuelas y comunidad ha continuado a incrementar. A partir de mañana Martes 24 de mayo, se requiere el uso de máscaras en INTERIORES y EXTERIORES en nuestras escuelas de DCP, tanto para los estudiantes como para el personal, según las directrices actualizadas del CDC. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que continuamos monitoreando los niveles de casos y ajustaremos nuestros protocolos de salud y seguridad si algo cambia.
Para ser claros, el uso de máscaras es REQUERIDO en interiores y exteriores en nuestras escuelas de DCP.
Por favor, continúe haciendo su parte para mantener un ambiente seguro y saludable vacunándose completamente, quedándose en casa si se siente enfermo, y haciéndose pruebas con frecuencia. Les agradecemos su continuo apoyo y comprensión mientras tomamos cada paso para preservar la salud y seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal.
Location: 1st Floor Media Center
Thursday: 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Thursday: 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Location: The Quad- enter through the front
Monday: 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Thursday: 8:15 AM - 9:00 AM
Location: Outside K9
Tuesday: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Thursday: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
DCP is partnering with Inspire Diagnostics to offer all students and staff convenient COVID-19 testing with NO out-of-pocket costs. Visit the the Inspire Diagnostics website to pre-register for your specific school and location.
Dear DCP Families,
We are excited to see our students and welcome them back onto campus. Vaccination is the leading public health prevention strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic and we encourage all our students aged 12 or older (and their families) to get vaccinated. You can find out more information about where to get vaccinated at COVID-19 Vaccine Information.
As you know, our schools also serve students under the age of 12 who are not eligible for vaccination at this time or who may be unable to get vaccinated for various reasons. Therefore, implementing layered prevention strategies (e.g. using multiple prevention strategies together consistently such as masking, handwashing, testing, et cetera) to protect students, teachers, staff and other members of their households is critical to support in-person learning.
To that end, DCP has partnered with Inspire Diagnostics to provide Covid testing at our campuses every Wednesday starting this Wednesday, August 11th.
All staff and students regardless of vaccination status can get tested. While testing is voluntary for students, we highly encourage your student to get tested so we can proactively monitor COVID within our schools.
The times set are as follows:
9:15-10:15am El Camino Middle School and El Primero High School
11:00-11:45am Alum Rock Middle School
12:15-1:00pm Alum Rock High School
You will need to pre-register your child and you can do so by following the link below. If you are opting in to have your child COVID tested, our school staff will pull your child out of class to have them tested at the times listed above.
Register here by clicking this link: https://inspirediagnostics.com/downtown-college-prep/
Parent Resources:
- What do I do if my child has COVID-19 symptoms? | English | Spanish
- My Child got a routine COVID-19 test, what do I do now? | English | Spanish
- What do I do if I need to Home Isolate and/or Quarantine? | English | Spanish
- What if somebody in our family has COVID symptoms, where can I take them to get Free COVID tested? Free COVID testing sites
- What is contact tracing and how does it help stop the spread of COVID-19? | English | Spanish
- Where do I take my family to get vaccinated? Anyone 12 and over is eligible for vaccination. COVID-19 Vaccine Information
Estimadas familias de DCP,
Estamos emocionados de ver a nuestros estudiantes y darles la bienvenida a la escuela. La vacunación es la estrategia principal de prevención de salud pública para poner fin a la pandemia de COVID-19 y animamos a todos nuestros estudiantes de 12 años o más (y sus familias) a vacunarse. Puede encontrar más información sobre dónde vacunarse en Información sobre la vacuna COVID-19.
Como saben, nuestras escuelas también atienden a estudiantes menores de 12 años que no son elegibles para la vacuna en este momento o que no pueden vacunarse por varias razones. Por lo tanto, implementar estrategias de prevención en capas (por ejemplo, usar múltiples estrategias de prevención juntas de manera consistente, como usar máscaras, lavado de manos, pruebas, etc.) para proteger a los estudiantes, maestros, personal y otros miembros de sus hogares es fundamental para apoyar el aprendizaje en persona.
DCP se ha asociado con Inspire Diagnostics para proporcionar pruebas de Covid en nuestras escuelas todos los miércoles a partir de este miércoles 11 de agosto.
Todo el personal y los estudiantes, independientemente del estado de vacunación, pueden hacerse la prueba. Aunque las pruebas son voluntarias para los estudiantes, recomendamos que su estudiante se haga la prueba para que podamos monitorear de manera proactiva el COVID dentro de nuestras escuelas.
Los tiempos establecidos son los siguientes:
9:15-10:15am El Camino Middle School y El Primero High School
11:00-11:45am Alum Rock Middle School
12:15-1:00pm Alum Rock High School
Debe registrar a su hijo/a y puede hacerlo siguiendo el enlace a continuación. Si opta por qué se le haga la prueba de COVID a su hijo/a, nuestro personal de la escuela sacará a su hijo/a de la clase para que le den la prueba en los horarios indicados anteriormente.
Regístrese aquí haciendo clic en este enlace: https://inspirediagnostics.com/downtown-college-prep/
Recursos para padres:
- ¿Qué hago si mi hijo tiene síntomas de COVID-19? |Enlace
- Mi hijo/a recibió una prueba de COVID-19 de rutina, ¿qué hago ahora? | Enlace
- ¿Qué hago si necesito aislarme y / o ponerme en cuarentena en casa? | Enlace
- ¿Qué pasa si alguien de nuestra familia tiene síntomas de COVID, dónde puedo llevarlo para que se haga la prueba de COVID gratis? Sitios para Pruebas Gratis de COVID
- ¿Qué es el rastreo de contactos y cómo ayuda a detener la propagación de COVID-19? |Enlace
- ¿Dónde llevo a mi familia a vacunarse? Cualquier persona de 12 años o más es elegible para la vacunación. Información sobre la Vacuna de COVID
Como saben, la mejor estrategia de prevención de COVID es desplegar múltiples medidas como lo hemos venido haciendo con enmascaramiento, actualizaciones de HVAC, filtros de aire en los salones, vacunas, etcétera. Antes de que sus hijos regresen a la escuela la próxima semana, queremos informarle sobre algunas estrategias actualizadas destinadas a aumentar las medidas preventivas en este momento en que la variante Omicron se está extendiendo en nuestras comunidades locales.
Actualización de vacunas:
Actualización de enmascaramiento:
Tenga en cuenta que estas son circunstancias cambiantes y le pedimos que esté atento a cualquier otra comunicación. Será necesario que todos y cada uno de nosotros mantengamos nuestras escuelas seguras y en funcionamiento. Le pedimos que trabaje con su estudiante y garantice un regreso seguro para todos.
Le agradecemos su paciencia esta semana, ya que hemos tenido un aumento en los casos de Covid. Reconocemos que hacerlo frente a una gran cantidad de desafíos que plantea la pandemia en curso es difícil.
El CDC ahora recomienda el uso de máscaras KN95 o doble máscara. Como resultado, ahora recomendamos encarecidamente que todos los estudiantes usen máscaras KN95 o, como mínimo, doble máscara. Le pedimos que se asegure de que su estudiante venga a la escuela con una máscara y enfatice la importancia de hacerlo durante el día escolar y mientras se encuentre en la escuela.
Gracias nuevamente por apoyar a nuestro personal y escuelas mientras continuamos creando un ambiente seguro para todos nuestros estudiantes.
Esperamos que hayas tenido una fantástica semana libre. A medida que nuestra nación y nuestro estado comienzan a cambiar los requisitos de COVID-19, tenemos algunos anuncios importantes sobre el uso de máscaras en los campus de DCP.
Actualización de enmascaramiento:
El 2 de marzo de 2022 anticipamos que el condado de Santa Clara eliminará su requisito de uso de máscaras en interiores. Esto NO se aplica a las escuelas y guarderías, que tienen su propia guía. El liderazgo de DCP revisará y revisará nuestros requisitos de uso de máscaras para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal.
Para ser claros, aún se requerirá el uso de máscaras en interiores y exteriores en todos nuestros campus escolares.
Le pedimos que se asegure de que su estudiante venga a la escuela con una máscara y que enfatice la importancia de hacerlo durante el día escolar y mientras esté en la escuela. Las máscaras de tela están permitidas, sin embargo, hay mejores opciones que puede considerar para su hijo, según lo recomendado por CDPH y SCCPHD: máscara de tela sobre una máscara quirúrgica ("doble máscara") y máscaras KN94, KF94 o N95. Ayúdenos a frenar la propagación usando una máscara recomendada por CDPH y SCCPHD.
Recordatorio de Covid-19:
Las pruebas todavía están disponibles en nuestras escuelas DCP para todos nuestros estudiantes y personal. Consulte www.dcp.org/updates/index para conocer los horarios actuales de las pruebas.
Como ya sabe, el mejor enfoque preventivo de Covid-19 es utilizar múltiples medidas, incluido el uso de máscaras, estar completamente vacunado, quedarse en casa si se siente enfermo, realizar pruebas con frecuencia, etc. Como tal, también recomendamos encarecidamente que todos los estudiantes estén completamente vacunados para que la comunidad de DCP regrese a la escuela de manera segura. Aproveche las vacunas gratuitas a través del condado de Santa Clara, www.sccfreevax.org.
DCP continuará monitoreando los protocolos de salud y seguridad. Continúe revisando las redes sociales y el sitio web para obtener actualizaciones de última hora.
Gracias nuevamente por apoyar a nuestro personal y escuelas mientras continuamos creando un ambiente seguro para todos nuestros estudiantes.
Nos alienta la continua disminución de los casos de COVID-19 en nuestra comunidad. Sin embargo, también estamos comprometidos a mantener nuestras escuelas seguras y saludables para que todos aprendan y trabajen en persona.
April 8, 2022
Dear DCP Families
As we prepare for spring break and move further into the spring semester, we would like to update you on masking at DCP. Per our last communication sent on March 22, regarding masking, DCP noted that we would review our COVID cases within the 4 DCP sites and the county guidelines to decide whether or not to continue to require masking indoors. While we are encouraged by the continued decline in COVID-19 cases in our school and community, we also know that spring break is next week and we do not think it would be prudent to make indoor masks optional until May 1, 2022 provided we do not see an increase in COVID cases.
8 de abril de 2022
Estimadas familias de DCP,
Para ser claros, las máscaras siguen siendo obligatorias sólo en interiores en nuestras escuelas de DCP hasta el 1 de mayo de 2022.
April 25, 2022
Dear DCP Families
We want to update you on masking at DCP. Following up on our last communication sent on April 8th regarding masking, DCP noted that we would review our COVID cases within the 4 DCP sites and the county guidelines to decide whether or not to continue to require masking indoors. The decline we noted in our last communication in COVID-19 cases in our school and community has continued even after the Spring Break. Starting Monday, May 2nd, masks INDOORS and OUTDOORS will be strongly recommended but optional at our DCP schools for both students and staff as per updated CDC guidelines. Please keep in mind that we continue to monitor case levels and adjust our health and safety protocols if anything changes.
25 de abril de 2022
Estimadas familias de DCP,
Para ser claros, el uso de máscaras es fuertemente recomendado pero opcional en interiores y exteriores en nuestras escuelas de DCP.
Por favor, continúe haciendo su parte para mantener un ambiente seguro y saludable vacunándose completamente, quedándose en casa si se siente enfermo, y haciéndose pruebas con frecuencia. Les agradecemos su continuo apoyo y comprensión mientras tomamos cada paso para preservar la salud y seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal.
May 23, 2022
Dear DCP Families,
We want to update you on masking at DCP. Following up on our last communication sent on April 25th regarding masking, DCP noted that we would review our COVID cases within the 4 DCP sites and the county guidelines to decide whether or not to continue to require masking indoors. We noted the increase in COVID-19 cases in our school and community. Effective tomorrow Tuesday, May 24th, masks INDOORS and OUTDOORS will be required at our DCP schools for both students and staff as per updated CDC guidelines. Please keep in mind that we will continue to monitor case levels and adjust our health and safety protocols if anything changes.
To be clear, masks are REQUIRED indoors and outdoors at our DCP schools.
Please continue to do your part to maintain a safe and healthy environment by getting fully vaccinated, staying home if feeling sick, and testing often. We thank you for your continued support and understanding as we take every step to preserve the health and safety of our students and staff.
23 de Mayo de 2022
Estimadas familias de DCP,
Queremos ponerlos al día sobre el uso de máscaras en DCP. Según nuestra última comunicación enviada el 25 de abril con respecto al uso de máscaras, DCP señaló que revisaríamos nuestros casos de COVID dentro de los 4 planteles de DCP y las directrices del condado para decidir si continuar o no requiriendo el uso de máscaras en el interior de los planteles. La disminución que señalamos en nuestra última comunicación en los casos de COVID-19 en nuestras escuelas y comunidad ha continuado a incrementar. A partir de mañana Martes 24 de mayo, se requiere el uso de máscaras en INTERIORES y EXTERIORES en nuestras escuelas de DCP, tanto para los estudiantes como para el personal, según las directrices actualizadas del CDC. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que continuamos monitoreando los niveles de casos y ajustaremos nuestros protocolos de salud y seguridad si algo cambia.
Para ser claros, el uso de máscaras es REQUERIDO en interiores y exteriores en nuestras escuelas de DCP.
Por favor, continúe haciendo su parte para mantener un ambiente seguro y saludable vacunándose completamente, quedándose en casa si se siente enfermo, y haciéndose pruebas con frecuencia. Les agradecemos su continuo apoyo y comprensión mientras tomamos cada paso para preservar la salud y seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal.
Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 Testing
Widespread testing provides a more accurate picture of how many cases exist in our community, or in our school, and helps us understand how and where the virus is spreading. Testing helps identify people without symptoms who have COVID-19 and could be spreading it.
If your student is asked to test, you have the right to say no, but please remember if your student was identified as close contact in a positive exposure case and that student is not tested, they will have to go home and quarantine. We are doing this for the safety of your student, your family, and our staff and teachers who also have families they go home to.
There is no cost to you for your student to get tested
No. You only have to register your student once and they will use that same code for any future testing on campus.
At this time we are only testing DCP students and staff. You may contact your healthcare provider, call the Valley Connection Line at 1-888-334-1000 or visit the County website for other testing sites near you.
Stay COVID-19 Safe!
DCP Community: Let's keep our students and staff safe and in school! Below are some tips and resources so that we can each do our part to keep our community safe and continue in-person learning. Get the most up to date recommendations and resources from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department.

Face masks must be worn at all times while on campus and should cover nose and mouth.

If your child is sick or has ANY cold or flu like, KEEP THEM HOME.

If you are able, get vaccinated!

For more information about the COVID-19 vaccine:
COVID-19 Vaccine information in english
- Santa Clara County Food Resources: Enter address to find food resources near you
- Meal Service at DCP El Camino and DCP El Primero (English | Spanish)
- Meal Service at DCP Alum Rock Middle School
- Meal Service at DCP Alum Rock High School
- Connected to food assistance programs
- Food programs in Santa Clara County by specific zip code
- Second Harvest Food Bank: a resource to utilize when finding pantries, food assistance programs, and other resources throughout California.
- Food Resources (English | Spanish)
- Grab-and-Go Breakfast and Lunch for all ages
Sacred Heart Food Pantry Distribution at DCP Campus starting May 22nd 9am-12pm (1402 Monterey Hwy.) We are happy to announce that starting Friday, May 22nd, DCP will partner with Sacred Heart Community Service and Second Harvest Food Bank, to bring a food pantry to our families at our DCP campus located on Alma and Monterey. ALL DCP families and alumni are welcome to come Fridays between 9am-12pm to receive a food box. If you are a Sacred Heart member already, please bring your member card. If you are not registered with Sacred Heart yet please register now by going to the following link:
- English: tfaforms.com/4811610
- Español: tfaforms.com/4812214
- Vietnamese: tfaforms.com/4813431
Please bring a form of ID, but know that no one will be turned away. Your food box will contain: Poultry, fresh fruit and veggies, cold bag (eggs, bread and if in stock yogurt ), pastries and a couple of extra items. LOCATION: 1402 Monterey Hwy. San Jose, CA. (DCP El Camino & DCP El Primero Campus)
Pandemic EBT: Money for Groceries. If your income has been affected by COVID-19 and/or the shelter in place, we encourage you to apply for our Free or Reduced Meals Program by calling the school front office for an application or by emailing our Operation Managers at:
DCP El Primero High School: Katya Silva (ksilva@dcp.org) 408-271-1730 ext 284
DCP Alum Rock High School: Alondra Ezzat (aezzat@dcp.org) 408-384-4554 x335
DCP El Camino Middle School: Martha Rivera (mrivera@dcp.org) 408-384-4040 ext 502
DCP Alum Rock Middle School: Melanie Felix (mfelix@dcp.org) 408-942-7000 Ext. 413
Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school will get extra food benefits. These food benefits are called Pandemic EBT or P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits help families in California buy food when schools are closed because of the coronavirus emergency. Families will get up to $365 per eligible child on their P-EBT card to use on food and groceries.
Families with children who get CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits do not need to apply. Most will get their P-EBT card in the mail during the period of May 12 - 22. Families with children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals and who do not get their P-EBT card in the mail by about May 22, 2020 must apply online before June 30, 2020. The online application will be available beginning May 22, 2020 at www.ca.p-ebt.org
If approved for Free or Reduced meals for the 2019-2020 school year, you may qualify for "discounts" on other services such as; Comcast Internet, Lifeline Telephone Service, CARE Home and Energy/Gas Discount and WRAP Home Water Bill. If you need any help connecting to resources in our community please reach out by filling out this form.
- Refugios Locales
- Homelessness Prevention System (English | Spanish | Vietnamese)
- City of San Jose Eviction Moratorium: On March 17, the City Council approved a temporary moratorium on residential evictions. The moratorium is in effect through April 17, and the City Council may consider extending it. The moratorium applies to all residential properties in San José, and provides residents relief from evictions for nonpayment of rent due to impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak.
- PG&E Moratorium on Service Disconnections for Non-Payment: PG&E has also implemented a moratorium on service disconnections for non-payment. This suspension will apply to both residential and commercial customers and will remain in effect until further notice. To further support customers who may be impacted by the pandemic, PG&E will offer its most flexible pay plans to customers who indicate either an impact or hardship as a result of COVID-19.
- Free Internet for Families
- Low Cost Internet for Families (English, Spanish, Vietnamese)
- Information about small business loan relief
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Paid Leaves
- California Labor Laws
- EDD COVID-19 Worker Resources
- Income loss due to school closures
- Income loss due to COVID-19 (English | Spanish | Vietnamese)
- Employment Development Department: What to do if you are sick or become unemployed
- Information about protecting workers from the Labor & Workforce Development Agency
- Tax relief information from the IRS
- Unemployment and Community Resources (English | Spanish)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. (TTY 1-800-846-8517)
- Mental Health Crisis/Emergency Supports (English | Spanish)
- Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks (English | Spanish | Vietnamese)
- Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks – Taking care of children (English | Spanish | Vietnamese)
- Coping with Disaster
- Talking to Kids About CoronaVirus
- Talking to kids during an infectious disease outbreak (English | Spanish)
- Exploring the Corona Virus, A Comic for Kids
- Latest COVID-19 Updates from the City of San José
- Silicon Valley Strong: a hub with critical updates and resources for vulnerable community members
- If you own a business in need of support contact: covid19sjbusiness@sanjoseca.gov
- Detalles de como refugiarse en sitio
- Shelter at Home Changes Effective through May 3, 2020
- Shelter-in-place Press Release March 16, 2020
- Shelter-in-place FAQ (English | Spanish | Vietnamese)
- Order of the Health Officer Shelter-in-place March 16, 2020
- Tips for coping with social distancing
- News Release-Extended School Closures through May 1
- News Release-Childcare for Emergency Service Workers
Rapid Response Network: As we work to protect all members of our community from COVID-19, the Rapid Response Network in Santa Clara County continues its operations and stands ready to protect community members targeted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). If you see or think you see ICE in your community, call 408-290-1144 immediately and Rapid Response volunteers and immigration attorneys will be ready to assist. We stand with all of our community, regardless of immigration status.
- Learn more about the Rapid Response Network in Santa Clara County
- Watch the Rapid Response Network video
- Watch the Rapid Response video (Vietnamese)
Relief Fund for Undocumented Families: Any undocumented person can apply to this fund. This is a "one-time state-funded disaster relief assistance to undocumented adults who are ineligible for other forms of assistance, including assistance under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and pandemic unemployment benefits, because of their immigration status."
For individuals living in Santa Clara County: Toll free hotline 415-324-1011 for individuals to apply for the financial assistance, phone lines open on Monday 5/18/2020. Please check the website https://www.catholiccharitiesscc.org/drai for updates and frequently asked questions.
DRAI Fact Sheet provides a summary of the program: English Flyer | Español
For statewide info and frequently asked questions: https://cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/immigration/covid-19-drai
- COVID-19 Online Screening Test: complete an online screening to determine whether you qualify for in-person testing (note: not intended for persons experiencing severe symptoms)
- Santa Clara Fairgrounds Testing Site: There is now a testing site up and running 7 days a week at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds due to a partnership with the state, county and Verily. You can do the online screening here to determine if you are eligible to be tested at this time. Please do not come to the fairgrounds without going through the screening process and given an appointment time.
Free COVID-19 diagnostic tests available for asymptomatic Santa Clara County residents. Sites include San Jose's PAL Stadium and the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds. Find the location nearest you: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/covid19/Pages/covid19-testing.aspx
Update May 11, 2020: Childcare Providers for Essential Workers
The Santa Clara County Office of Education released a list of Childcare providers available for Essential Workers in our County. Visit the links below to see who is considered an essential worker, how to find childcare, how to know if the facility is safe, and how to qualify for financial assistance.
SCCOE Comprehensive Resource Directory
SCCOE Childcare Information for Families
We're sorry, no profiles were found for this listing.
We're sorry, no profiles were found for this listing.
El Camino and El Primero Principal
Year joined DCP: 2012 "DCP is where students begin to see themselves as co...
Assistant Principal, DCP El Camino Middle School
Year Joined: 2020 DCP is a place where the family-school connection is hon...
Assistant Principal, DCP El Primero High School
Year Joined: 2004 DCP is a rewarding and inspiring community to be a part of. It&rsq...

Principal, DCP Alum Rock Middle School
Year Joined DCP: 2012 "As a first generation student I did not think college wa...
(updated March 20, 2020)
Dear DCP Families,
For the last twenty years I’ve had the great pleasure of working alongside DCP families to realize the dream of college success for the students of San Jose.
Today, we are facing uncertain and challenging times yet the values that have helped us throughout our history serve us today: comunidad, ganas and orgullo. Community is one of DCP’s core values because we find comfort, inspiration, and resilience when we take on big challenges together.
Together, we have helped over 1200 students enroll and graduate from college.
Together, we have built school facilities that will serve generations for years to come.
And, together, we will support one another at this critical time.
DCP is more than four schools–over the years I’ve heard from students that DCP is like a second home, a family. The teachers and staff at DCP are committed to supporting each of you through this difficult time.
DCP’s college counselors are setting up virtual meetings with seniors to ensure all students are on track for graduation and college enrollment in the fall. This is college acceptance season–please check our social media and celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2020.
Teachers are working diligently with their Principals to establish and communicate distance learning plans. Thank you for responding to the technology survey so that we can ensure every student has access to a computer and the internet. Already, DCP has disseminated 342 chromebooks for student learning. Please ask your student to see their Google classrooms!
If your student was receiving social-emotional support from a DCP school counselor, they will be reaching out this week and next to discuss support options. If your student was not yet receiving support, but you feel they need it at this time, we are working on a variety of support activities and links that will be available early next week.
If your student or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 911 and ask for a CIT officer.
Additionally, the following hotline is available to all families in Santa Clara County: Santa Clara County Suicide & Crisis Hotline For English Call 855-278-4204
DCP wants to help families connect with community resources during this difficult time.
Please visit DCP’s website to find links to resources including food assistance, employment and housing. Also, make sure your student has completed the family survey on google classroom with you.
(updated March 16, 2020)
Dear DCP Families,
Community is one of DCP’s core values because we find comfort, inspiration, and resilience when we take on big challenges together. We are thinking of you and your students during these difficult times.
As you know, Santa Clara County has mandated shelter-in-place beginning March 17 except for those organizations and businesses providing “essential services.” The Santa Clara County Public Health Department has defined schools as organizations providing essential services and added that these services include meal service to students and any activities geared toward providing distance learning for students. As a result, DCP will continue to keep front offices open but will reduce the hours from 10am to 2pm. During this time, we will assist parents with any activities needed to provide distance learning to our students. We will also provide meal services during this time.
As a reminder, Santa Clara County Public Health Department and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have confirmed that all Santa Clara County schools will be closed for a three week period beginning Monday, March 16 through April 3 in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Despite being closed, DCP continues its mission to serve your students toward their dream of becoming college graduates. We know our spirit of community will carry us through this time and we look forward to serving you and your students each day.
Jennifer Andaluz
- DCP Student Tech Agreement (at home use)
- DCP Alum Rock Middle School – March 23, 2020
- DCP Alum Rock Middle School – March 13, 2020 (English | Spanish)
- DCP Student Tech Agreement (at home use)
- DCP Alum Rock High School Update – March 23, 2020
- DCP Alum Rock High School Update – March 13, 2020 (English | Spanish)
- DCP Student Tech Agreement (at home use)
- DCP El Camino Middle School Update – March 13, 2020 (English | Spanish)
- DCP Student Tech Agreement (at home use)
- DCP El Primero Update – March 23, 2020
- DCP El Primero Update – March 13, 2020 (English | Spanish)
June 18, 2020
Hello DCP families:
Here are some important resources we want to make you aware of and encourage all families to review. Today, we celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the DACA program which protects undocumented youth/young adults who arrived in the country as children. They will continue to work and stay protected from deportation. This gives us hope in times of so much injustice. Please know that DCP is still here, even more through the summer, for every family. We will continue to communicate throughout the summer so please continue to read our messages. Have a great start to your summer and hope to see many of you on our drive thru food distributions on Fridays!!
DCP stands with Black Lives Matter:
Resources for Talking to Your Child About Racial Equity, Police Brutality and Protests - please take the time to review these resources, learn about the topic and have conversations about it.
For your information: In celebration of Juneteeth (also known as Freedom Day, a day celebrating the emancipation of enslaved indivuals in the US) tomorrow Friday, June 19th, there will be a Youthhype Rally at 11am in downtown. Some of our DCP student leaders are organizing this and our own Dr.Cuevas will speaking). Flyer attached.
Food Pantry:
Fridays in July (10, 17, 24, 31) from 9am-12pm // Location: 1402 Monterey Hwy. San Jose, CA
DCP and Sacred Heart will be doing food distribution. Come through our drive thru and receive a free box of groceries that includes: eggs, bread, cheese, fruits, vegetables, a bag of meat and much more. If you are not already a Sacred Heart Community Service member, please register on the links below. No one will be denied food, feel free to tell your neighbors and see you Friday!
English: tfaforms.com/4811610
Spanish: tfaforms.com/4812214
Parent and Student Volunteers Needed: We are looking for volunteers to help us on Fridays during the food distribution. Do you have time from 8:30-10:30am or 10:30-12:30pm on Fridays? Please sign-up here for a date this summer. Student volunteers must be 16 years old or older. Thank you for volunteering!!
Reopening Parent Survey #2 - due Monday, June 22nd
June 17, 2020
Hello DCP families:
We are working hard on the reopening plans of our schools and we would like your feedback again. We plan to reopen our schools based on recommendations from the county and state departments with regards to social distancing. If one of the recommendations is to move forward with a blended schedule we believe we will be able to serve 50% of our students per day on campus based on our space and social distance protocols. That means, students at DCP will experience two days on-campus learning and three days off-campus, at home doing distance learning.
We would like your feedback on which schedule you prefer if we were to do a blended learning.
Please fill out this SURVEY by Monday, June 22nd.
Thank you for feedback and please look for more letters and surveys over the summer.
School Reopening 20-21 Update: Family Survey
June 9, 2020
Lea esta actualización en español
Dear DCP Families:
We at DCP hope that you and your families are healthy and safe! We are looking forward to seeing your students again and want to update you on our work for the Reopening Plan for the academic year 2020-21. DCP is committed to our students and families and as we plan for next academic year, your input is important to us. As we wait for the final recommendations from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and the California Department of Education guidelines, a DCP Reopening Team is working on different scenarios of how students will be returning to school next year.
We are excited to start the school year on August 11th and we assure you that the safety of our students, staff and our families are at the forefront. It is also our priority to provide the best student learning conditions under the new guidelines. School will likely look different from what we are used to but with your help, we know that we can provide a quality educational experience that continues your child’s journey to college. We know that not having your student in school every day creates new challenges for families. We thank you for your flexibility and resilience as you adjust to new changes, we know it is not easy.
Below are the three scenarios the DCP Reopening Team is planning for and considering. These scenarios could change as it is a work in progress. No final decisions have been made at this time and we will continue to update you as new information is shared.
Scenario 1 - Blended Model: Some percentage of distance learning and some percentage of campus learning. Students will come to campus for a certain number of full days on campus and they will have a certain number of full days of learning at home.
Scenario 2 - 100% Distance Learning: Students continue to learn from home and DCP teachers provide virtual learning classes and materials.
Scenario 3 - 100% On-campus learning: In the event that certain guidelines are lifted and we are able to gather in larger numbers; DCP will have a plan for welcoming all students back to campus.
The scenarios above have not been finalized; that's why we are asking you to complete the Reopening Family Survey by June 14th. We will continue to gather your feedback throughout the summer as we finalize the plan. Please expect to receive more communication and surveys in the next few weeks.
This survey is anonymous and your responses are confidential. Please feel free to complete more than one survey if you have more than one student at DCP. Deadline: June 14th
Update May 1, 2020: School closure extended for the remainder of the academic year
Dear DCP Families,
This afternoon we received confirmation that schools across the Bay Area will be closed for the remainder of the academic year, as announced by the Santa Clara County Office of Education. As such, DCP schools will be closed and will continue to offer distance learning and other essential services to support students and families on the path to college eligibility and success.
As much as this news was predicted, we want you to know that we miss being in community together. We know that students build strong college-going skills and identities when they are in close proximity with their teachers and peers. We know that learning is interactive and social. We know that as learners, we make meaning of our learning and deepen skills when we have opportunities to get real-time feedback. These qualities will be harder to achieve in a distance learning context but with the commitment of our talented teachers and staff, we aim to do our best.
To that end, we have been developing systems to support teachers, students and families. These systems will continue to evolve and we will be providing updates through our regular communication channels. Please make sure your student is logging into Google Classroom every day to check for new work and updates. We recognize there is a lot more required of you at home and want to thank you for being such outstanding partners.
We understand that this situation may create anxiety and concern for your child’s learning. We are here to support you and you are not alone. Every family is adjusting to the challenges of supporting students and their learning. As you would during a normal academic year, parents should continue to engage school leaders and teachers regarding their students’ learning and well-being. Relationships are the foundation of DCP’s mission and model.
We also understand that for students who are graduating from high school or who are promoting from middle school to high school, there may be a feeling of loss that this rite of passage may be at risk. We are working on several scenarios where we can celebrate our students’ achievements and honor the next steps in their college journeys.
Lastly, next week is the official Spring Break so there is no school from April 13-17. We hope you and your family can use this time to focus on other aspects of your life during COVID-19.
We will resume to virtual classes on April 20 and look forward to sharing the college admissions and decisions for the Class of 2020 that will be available on May 1, National College Signing Day.
We are thinking of you and are wishing you health and wellness.
Jennifer Andaluz, Executive Director
April 1, 2020
As you may have heard, Governor Newsom held a press conference today where he discussed closing schools for the remainder of this year. This was not unanticipated and we have made contingency plans for multiple possibilities. Please note we have yet to receive official communication from the California Department of Education. In addition, when we contacted the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE), they also had not received any notification, official or unofficial. Once we receive the official communication, we will follow up with more information about our next steps.
DCP Spring Break will be held as scheduled (April 13th to April 17th).
Given the increased restrictions announced by the Santa Clara County Health Department yesterday, we will reduce office hours to 11AM to 1PM effective this Friday, April 3, 2020. During this time, we will provide meal services and any activities necessary to assist with distance learning.
April 3, 2020
No new updates.
April 4, 2020
Message to students and families who may have had direct contact with employee:
We want to inform you that a DCP staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. We are contacting you directly because your student may have been exposed to this staff member while picking up SAT materials or engineering materials during the week of March 16. We are advising you to follow the guidelines from the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health for monitoring symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, coughing, and/or shortness of breath) for 14 days. If you do experience any symptoms please contact a healthcare provider.
We are here to support you. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Please let us know if anything changes for you and your family.
Update April 6, 2020
View the The Public Health Department’s Coronavirus website reports.
Update April 10, 2020
DCP Spring Break from Monday, April 13th - Friday, April 17th, 2020
The California State website for COVID-19 support has many great resources in English and Spanish for families with a range of needed resources (job hunting, mental and physical health, eviction and unemployment support, etc.) We recommend checking it out as it is updated regularly.
March 31, 2020
NEW SHELTER IN PLACE ORDER Effective March 31, 2020 through May 3rd.
Cesar Chavez was an important leader in the movement for social justice. Today we honor him with a few words from DCP’s Executive Director, Jennifer Andaluz. Si se puede! #dcp #20YearsOfGanas #lobos #cesarchavez #edjustice Video in English
March 30, 2020
- Santa Clara County Department of Public Health and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have confirmed that all Santa Clara County schools will be closed for an extended period beginning Monday, March 16 through May 1st in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). DCP will be closed during this time period.
- Santa Clara County has now expanded the shelter in place order from March 17th to May 1st. This means families should stay inside except for essential services.
- Due to the Shelter In Place Recommendations, Office Hours at School Sites will be remain limited to 10am-2pm.
March 27, 2020
DCP is closed today for Cesar Chavez Day. There will be no online classes, food service will not be available at DCP sites and the offices will be closed. We will reopen to essential closure functions on Monday, March 30.
March 26, 2020
Please remember that DCP is closed for Cesar Chavez Day on Friday, March 27th. There will be no online classes, food service will not be available at DCP sites and the offices will be closed. We will reopen to essential closure functions on Monday, March 30.
March 25, 2020
We are writing to let you know that Santa Clara County, in partnership with five other Bay Area counties, has decided that school closures be extended through Friday, May 1, 2020. In accordance with that decision, all DCP campuses will remain closed to student attendance through May 1st, but please note that our front offices will remain open from 11AM to 1PM to answer your questions via phone in support of essential services including meal services, instruction and all activities needed to support the essential services.
Please note that: Teachers will continue with distance learning through Google Classroom throughout school closures.
This effort is to slow the spread of COVID-19 to the maximum extent possible. The safety and wellness of students, school personnel, and the community are the highest priorities of all schools and districts in these six counties.
We know that the extension of the school closures brings many questions about the spring break, the last day of school, graduation, summer programs, et cetera. We are working through each of these and will communicate updates with you as soon as we can.
The shelter in place order and all other Public Health, county and state guidance remain in place. Please continue to check this page for updates and resources. We will continue to update you during this rapidly evolving situation as we get guidance from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, as well as other local, State and Federal agencies.
We know this is a difficult time for all of us. We cannot thank you enough for your flexibility and support as we navigate through these new challenges.
- Reminder: DCP Schools will be closed Friday, March 27th in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
- Please look out for information on how parents can support distance learning and student expectations. You can find the letters here.
- Please remember to check out our “Resources for Families” section on our Health Updates page. We are adding things almost every day, so please check it out often.
- If you are in need of a device or internet access for your child to access distance learning, please contact your school.
- Community transmission is ongoing in Santa Clara County. As the community follows the Health Officer Order to Shelter in Place issued on March 16, 2020, notification regarding potential contacts to cases will no longer be provided, and school districts/charter schools are not required to provide any notifications. Everyone, except for those providing or receiving essential services, should be staying home, especially anyone who is feeling ill. Anyone who develops symptoms of COVID-19, should call their healthcare provider for further guidance before going to the doctor. Only the severely ill should seek care at an emergency room and should, if at all possible, call first.
- Santa Clara County Department of Public Health and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have confirmed that all Santa Clara County schools will be closed for a three week period beginning Monday, March 16 through April 3 in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). DCP will be closed during this time period.
- Santa Clara County has issued a shelter in place order from March 17th to April 7th. This means families should stay inside except for essential services.
- Due to the Shelter In Place Recommendations, Office Hours at School Sites will be limited to 10am-2pm.
March 24, 2020
- Please look out for information on how parents can support distance learning and student expectations. You can find the letters here.
- Please remember to check out our “Resources for Families” section on our Health Updates page. We are adding things almost every day, so please check it out often.
- If you are in need of a device or internet access for your child to access distance learning, please contact your school.
- Community transmission is ongoing in Santa Clara County. As the community follows the Health Officer Order to Shelter in Place issued on March 16, 2020, notification regarding potential contacts to cases will no longer be provided, and school districts/charter schools are not required to provide any notifications. Everyone, except for those providing or receiving essential services, should be staying home, especially anyone who is feeling ill. Anyone who develops symptoms of COVID-19, should call their healthcare provider for further guidance before going to the doctor. Only the severely ill should seek care at an emergency room and should, if at all possible, call first.
- Santa Clara County Department of Public Health and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have confirmed that all Santa Clara County schools will be closed for a three week period beginning Monday, March 16 through April 3 in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). DCP will be closed during this time period.
- Santa Clara County has issued a shelter in place order from March 17th to April 7th. This means families should stay inside except for essential services.
- Due to the Shelter In Place Recommendations, Office Hours at School Sites will be limited to 10am-2pm.
March 23, 2020
- Community transmission is ongoing in Santa Clara County. As the community follows the Health Officer Order to Shelter in Place issued on March 16, 2020, notification regarding potential contacts to cases will no longer be provided, and school districts/charter schools are not required to provide any notifications. Everyone, except for those providing or receiving essential services, should be staying home, especially anyone who is feeling ill. Anyone who develops symptoms of COVID-19, should call their healthcare provider for further guidance before going to the doctor. Only the severely ill should seek care at an emergency room and should, if at all possible, call first.
- Please remember to check out our “Resources for Families” section on our Health Updates page. We are adding things almost every day, so please check it out often.
- If you are in need of a device or internet access for your child to access distance learning, please contact your school.
- Santa Clara County Department of Public Health and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have confirmed that all Santa Clara County schools will be closed for a three week period beginning Monday, March 16 through April 3 in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). DCP will be closed during this time period.
- Santa Clara County has issued a shelter in place order from March 17th to April 7th. This means families should stay inside except for essential services.
- Due to the Shelter In Place Recommendations, Office Hours at School Sites will be limited to 10am-2pm.
March 20, 2020
No new updates.
March 19, 2020
No new updates.
March 18, 2020
- We have added a “Resources for Families” section to our Health Updates page. We are adding things almost every day, so please check it out often.
- If you are in need of a device or internet access for your child to access distance learning, please contact your school.
- Santa Clara County Department of Public Health and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have confirmed that all Santa Clara County schools will be closed for a three week period beginning Monday, March 16 through April 3 in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). DCP will be closed during this time period.
- There are no cases of COVID-19 reported at DCP. Please let us know if you or your family become impacted.
- Santa Clara County has issued a shelter in place order from March 17th to April 7th. This means families should stay inside except for essential services.
- Due to the Shelter In Place Recommendations, Office Hours at School Sites will be limited to 10am-2pm.
March 17, 2020
- Santa Clara County Department of Public Health and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have confirmed that all Santa Clara County schools will be closed for a three week period beginning Monday, March 16 through April 3 in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). DCP will be closed during this time period. Read More Here.
- There are no cases of COVID-19 reported at DCP. Please let us know if you or your family become impacted.
- Santa Clara County has issued a shelter in place order from March 17th to April 7th. This means families should stay inside except for essential services.
- Due to the Shelter In Place Recommendations, Office Hours at School Sites will be limited to 10am-2pm.
- We have created added a “Resources for Families” section at the top of our Health Updates page.
March 16, 2020 (evening update)
- Santa Clara County has issued a shelter in place order from March 17th to April 7th. This means families should stay inside except for essential services.
- Due to the Shelter In Place Recommendations, Office Hours at School Sites will be limited to 10am-2pm.
- We will be providing an ongoing list of resources for our families on this page. Check back often.
March 16, 2020
- Santa Clara County Department of Public Health and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have confirmed that all Santa Clara County schools will be closed for a three week period beginning Monday, March 16 through April 3 in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). DCP will be closed during this time period.
- There are no cases of COVID-19 reported at DCP
- Staff are meeting today in order to discuss plans for supporting your students during closure. We ask that all families pay attention to email communication and phone blasts coming from DCP regarding next steps.
- Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we go forward to ensure the continued safety of our students, staff and extended community.
March 13, 2020
Please see appropriate letter to parents regarding closures of DCP schools:
- DCP El Camino Middle School
- DCP El Primero High School
- DCP Alum Rock Middle School
- DCP Alum Rock High School
- Santa Clara County Department of Public Health and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have confirmed that all Santa Clara County schools will be closed for a three week period beginning Monday, March 16 through April 3 in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). DCP will be closed during this time period. Read More from SCCPHD Here.
- There are no cases of COVID-19 reported at DCP
- Today your students will remain in school through the end of the day.
- DCP will be sending further information to families later today regarding out of school learning plans. We ask that all families pay attention to email communication and phone blasts coming from DCP regarding next steps.
- Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we go forward to ensure the continued safety of our students, staff and extended community.
March 12, 2020
At this moment, there is no change in guidance for school closures or attendance collection (namely if “well” students do not come to school because of concerns over COVID-19, they are marked as unexcused absences). Since charter schools are public schools, they must follow the directives of the Public Health Department and the California Department of Education regarding school closures.
March 11, 2020
The Santa Clara County Public Health Agency. Read about the issue on public gatherings of 1K or more.
March 10, 2020
The Santa Clara County Public Health Department held a press conference to issue new guidance and recommendations to protect residents from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
March 9, 2020
School continues to be in session the week of March 9th. We continue with additional cleaning protocols.
March 6, 2020
The DCP Response Team met to continue to coordinate COVID-19 (Coronavirus) response across DCP. The team initiated the following steps:
- Initiated broader communication protocols to proactively inform our community of DCP, SCCOE and SCCPHD updates (website, social media, and direct communication protocols as needed).
- Proactive communication with SCCOE related to recommendations for school activities outside of the regular school day.
- Santa Clara County Public Health Department updated information
March 5, 2020
The DCP Response Team met to support and plan for reported exposure that may have occurred for a DCP student. DCP Response Team followed required protocols and immediately coordinated with SCCOE and SCCPHD.
- The recommendation to DCP from the Department of Health was to deep clean the Alma campus (DCP El Camino and DCP El Primero). The entire campus was deep cleaned that evening.
- No other measures are advised or required at that time. DCP Response Team informed staff and families at both DCP El Camino and DCP El Primero using our emergency communication protocols.
- Schools remain open as recommended by the county.
Additionally, the DCP Response Team worked with the school sites to provide the following additional supports:
- As mentioned above, an additional deep cleaning of the ALMA site specifically formulated to these types of situations.
- Additional disinfectant tools were provided across the ALMA sites
- Review of SCCOE March 5th update
- Review of hygiene protocols with staff
- Review of DCP Response Team contacts and areas of focus with staff
- Coordination of communication with external entities
- General information was posted on Facebook sites for all DCP schools
March 3, 2020
The DCP Response Team Sent general information templates to all schools to use as needed about COVID-19 (Coronavirus), including information on recommendation for individuals provided by the CDC and SCCPHD.
March 2, 2020
The DCP Response Team met to discuss recent updates from the county and to continue to proactively respond. The main discussions or actions items from that meeting included, but not limited to:
- Increased CDC approved signage reminding students and staff to thoroughly wash hands and follow other hygiene protocols effective in preventing illness.
- Continued increased cleaning of our sites
- Continued increased hand sanitizer access across sites
- Continued increased access to disinfectant sprays
- Review of existing communications protocols and processes for notifications of early dismissals and emergency school closures in the unlikely event that occur.
- Provide DCP documentation SCCPHD and SCCOE including, but not limited to:
- Copies of communication and response plans related to infectious disease and emergencies
- Keep SCCOE and SCCPHD informed of attendance of both staff and students in order to help the county identify possible emerging hot spots.
- Updated point of contact for SCCOE and SCCPHD
February 28, 2020
The Santa Clara County Superintendent issued guidance stating:
- The immediate health risk from novel coronavirus (now named COVID-19) to the general American public remains low.
- SCCOE is in daily contact with the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and monitors the California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)s’ information updates throughout the day.
- Although there is currently no immediate risk to our communities, CDC recommends that schools prepare in the event that COVID-19 (Coronavirus) spreads into our communities.
- DCP Response Team continued to move forward with planned coordination per these recommendations.
February 24, 2020
DCP Response Team began proactively implementing a number of precautionary measures including, but not limited to:
- Increased cleaning of our sites
- Increased hand sanitizer access across sites
- Increased access to disinfectant sprays
- Continued mobilization of the DCP Response Team to support schools and to communicate with SCCPHD and SCCOE.
- Continued monitoring of SCCPHD and SCCOE communications and guidance to make sure we are following the most updated protocols recommended.
January 28, 2020
- DCP began receiving communication on recommendations for COVID-19 (Coronavirus) response from the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) and Santa Clara County Department of Public Health (SCCPHD). At that time there were no confirmed cases in Santa Clara County and both SCCOE and SCCPHD recommended schools review their emergency plans and other standard responses, which DCP did.
- The DCP Response Team was activated.
- DCP provided information to principals, including FAQs should parents have questions regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
March 25, 2021
English | Español | Tiếng Việt
We are writing to let you know that we are beginning the process of bringing students back to campus for in-person instruction!
Last December, DCP decided that we would not be able to offer in-person instruction for students this spring term. Recent events, including vaccine availability for educators, have made it possible for us to offer some students in-person instructional experiences at our schools sometime shortly after our Spring Break. We are very excited to begin the process of bringing our scholars back to our campuses- we have missed their energy and enthusiasm.
While educators have had access to vaccines, our students have not. As a result, all in-person instruction must be offered in ways that promote student safety, physical distancing and mask protocols. Our students will come in small cohorts for two days a week- either Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday. Because space is limited, we may not be able to provide in-person instruction to every student who would like to have it.
Students will be invited to hybrid in-person instruction based on priority levels related to student characteristics to ensure that students who most need the support have first access. These student characteristics include having a disability, being an English Learner, being homeless or foster youth, participating in the free/reduced lunch program or having great difficulty engaging in the distance learning program. We know that it will be difficult for families if one child is invited to the hybrid in-person learning and another is not. As more spaces become available, rolling invitations will be shared with families by our school site teams. Invited families will have the option to accept or decline a hybrid in-person seat when invited by the school operations team.
The hybrid in-person instructional experience will include the following elements:
Students will be in small cohorts where they will spend the full day at school with the same group of students and one teacher.
Students and staff will maintain 6 feet of social distancing, wear masks and follow all health and safety protocols.
Students will have lunch outdoors in physically distanced settings.
Families, students and staff will sign an agreement regarding in-person expectations and procedures for community safety prior to attending classes on campus.
Students will continue to take their classes through the distance learning platforms they use at home (3 days a week) and when at school (2 days a week). Students will not receive in-person instruction from each of their teachers when they are at school.
Teachers will be able to provide some redirection to disengaged students, but will not be able to provide significant one-one assistance while they teach their distance students at the same time.
During transition time between classes and at lunch, students will have opportunities to safely engage socially with their peers, other staff and their teacher when they are at school.
* This presentation will be recorded and made available to all families in case you are not able to attend Tuesday.
************************* Spanish / Español *********************
¡Le escribimos para informarle que estamos comenzando el proceso de traer a los estudiantes de regreso a las instalaciones para recibir instrucción en persona!
En diciembre, DCP decidió que no podríamos ofrecer instrucción en persona para los estudiantes durante este semestre de primavera. Los eventos recientes, incluyendo la disponibilidad de vacunas para los educadores, ha hecho posible que podamos ofrecer a algunos estudiantes las experiencias de instrucción en persona en nuestras escuelas poco después de nuestras vacaciones de primavera. Estamos muy emocionados de comenzar el proceso de traer a nuestros estudiantes de regreso a nuestras instalaciones; hemos extrañado mucho su energía y entusiasmo.
Los educadores han tenido acceso a las vacunas, pero nuestros estudiantes no. Como resultado, toda la instrucción en persona debe ofrecerse de manera que se promueva la seguridad de los estudiantes, el distanciamiento físico y los protocolos de máscara. Nuestros estudiantes vendrán en grupos pequeños durante dos días a la semana, ya sea lunes y martes o jueves y viernes. Debido a que el espacio es limitado, es posible que no podamos brindar instrucción en persona a todos los estudiantes que deseen recibirla.
Se invitará a estudiantes a la instrucción híbrida en persona según los niveles de prioridad que toman en cuenta las características del estudiante para que se garantice que los estudiantes que más necesitan el apoyo tengan acceso primero. Estas características del estudiante incluyen tener una discapacidad, ser un aprendiz de inglés, no tener hogar o ser un joven en hogar de crianza, participar en el programa de almuerzo gratis/reducido o tener grandes dificultades para participar en el programa de aprendizaje a distancia. Sabemos que será difícil para las familias si un niño es invitado al aprendizaje híbrido en persona y otro no. A medida que haya más espacios disponibles, nuestros equipos escolares compartirán invitaciones continuas con las familias. Las familias invitadas tendrán la opción de aceptar o rechazar un asiento híbrido en persona cuando sean invitadas por el equipo de operaciones de la escuela.
La experiencia de instrucción híbrida en persona incluirá los siguientes elementos:
Los estudiantes estarán en pequeños grupos donde pasarán el día completo en la escuela con el mismo grupo de estudiantes y un maestro.
Los estudiantes y el personal mantendrán 6 pies de distancia social, usarán máscaras y seguirán todos los protocolos de salud y seguridad.
Los estudiantes almorzarán al aire libre en un ambiente físicamente distanciados.
Las familias, los estudiantes y el personal firmarán acuerdos con respecto a las expectativas y los procedimientos para la instrucción en persona para la seguridad de la comunidad antes de asistir a clases en las instalaciones.
Los estudiantes continuarán tomando sus clases a través de las plataformas de aprendizaje a distancia que usan en casa (3 días a la semana) y en la escuela (2 días a la semana). Los estudiantes no recibirán instrucción en persona de cada uno de sus maestros cuando estén en la escuela.
Los maestros podrán proporcionar alguna reorientación a los estudiantes que no se involucren, pero no podrán brindar una ayuda individual significativa mientras enseñan a sus estudiantes a distancia al mismo tiempo.
Durante el tiempo de transición entre clases y durante el almuerzo, los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de participar socialmente de manera segura con sus compañeros, otro personal y su maestro cuando estén en la escuela.
****************************** Vietnamese **************************
Xin trân trọng thông báo cho quý vị biết rằng chúng tôi đang chuẩn bị đưa học sinh trở lại trường để học trực tiếp!
Tháng 12 năm ngoái, DCP quyết định không cho phép chúng tôi giảng dạy trực tiếp cho học sinh trong học kỳ mùa xuân này. Theo các sự kiện gần đây, kể cả việc cung cấp vắc xin cho những người làm công tác giáo dục, đã giúp chúng tôi có thể giảng dạy trực tiếp cho một số học sinh tại trường học ngay sau Kỳ nghỉ Xuân. Chúng tôi rất sốt sắng triển khai hoạt động đón các học giả trở lại các cơ sở trường học - chúng ta đã bỏ lỡ năng lực và lòng nhiệt huyết của họ.
Trong khi các nhà giáo dục đã được tiêm vắc xin thì học sinh của chúng ta vẫn chưa được tiêm. Do đó, tất cả các buổi học trực tiếp đều phải thực hiện theo những hình thức đảm bảo an toàn cho học sinh, thực hiện giãn cách và đeo khẩu trang. Học sinh sẽ đến trường theo các nhóm nhỏ hai ngày một tuần - Thứ Hai và Thứ Ba hoặc Thứ Năm và Thứ Sáu. Vì không gian có hạn nên chúng tôi không thể giảng dạy trực tiếp cho tất cả mọi học sinh có nguyện vọng.
Học sinh sẽ được mời tham gia học trực tiếp dựa trên mức độ ưu tiên theo đặc điểm của học sinh để đảm bảo những học sinh cần hỗ trợ nhất sẽ được tiếp cận đầu tiên. Những đặc điểm này bao gồm khuyết tật, là Học sinh học tiếng Anh, đang vô gia cư hoặc thanh thiếu niên đang được nuôi dưỡng, đang trong chương trình ăn trưa miễn phí/giảm giá hoặc có nhiều khó khăn lớn trong việc tham gia chương trình học tập từ xa. Chúng tôi biết rằng sẽ rất khó xử cho những gia đình có một học sinh được mời tham gia học trực tiếp kết hợp, nhưng học sinh còn lại không được mời tham gia. Khi có nhiều chỗ hơn, thì các nhóm tại nhà trường của chúng tôi sẽ gửi thư mời luân phiên cho các gia đình. Các gia đình được mời sẽ có thể chọn chấp nhận hoặc từ chối một suất học trực tiếp kết hợp khi được nhóm điều hành của nhà trường mời.
Chương trình học trực tiếp kết hợp sẽ bao gồm các yếu tố sau:
Học sinh sẽ đến học theo các nhóm nhỏ, các em sẽ ở trường cả ngày với cùng một nhóm học sinh và một giáo viên.
Học sinh và nhân viên sẽ duy trì giãn cách xã hội 6 feet/1,8m, đeo khẩu trang và tuân thủ tất cả các quy định về sức khỏe và an toàn.
Học sinh sẽ ăn trưa ngoài trời trong không gian giãn cách.
Gia đình, học sinh và nhân viên sẽ phải đích thân ký một thỏa thuận về các kỳ vọng và quy trình về an toàn của cộng đồng trước khi tham gia các lớp học trong khuôn viên trường.
Học sinh sẽ tiếp tục tham gia các lớp học của mình qua các nền tảng học tập từ xa mà các em sử dụng ở nhà (3 ngày một tuần) và khi ở trường (2 ngày một tuần). Học sinh sẽ không được giảng dạy trực tiếp từ từng giáo viên của mình khi các em ở trường.
Các giáo viên sẽ có thể giảng dạy những học sinh không tham gia, nhưng sẽ không thể hỗ trợ trực tiếp vì ngay lúc đó còn phải dạy học sinh từ xa.
Trong thời gian chuyển tiếp giữa lớp học và bữa trưa, học sinh sẽ được tham gia giao tiếp xã hội một cách an toàn với các bạn cùng lứa tuổi, các nhân viên khác và giáo viên của mình khi các em ở trường.
Dear DCP Parents,
Many of you have seen the news today about violence in Washington DC. These are troubling times and we know watching and hearing news like this can bring up many feelings and fears. As a community, we support each other and please know we are thinking of you and your family.
For some of us, it is hard to know what to say to our children when the world events are so difficult. We wanted to provide you with three resources that can help you to support and talk with your children during these hard times.
- “How to Talk with Kids about Racism and Racial Violence” by Dr. Allison Briscoe has important suggestions on how to support your child during situations such as this.
- “How to Talk to Kids About Violence, Crime and War” breaks down how to speak to children and adolescents based on their age and development.
- "Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Educators" by the National Association of School Psychologists. Vietnamese flyer.
************************* Spanish *********************
Estimadas Familias de DCP,
Muchos de ustedes han visto hoy las noticias sobre la violencia en la capital de Washington DC. Estos son tiempos difíciles y sabemos que ver y escuchar noticias como esta puede traer muchos sentimientos y temores. Como comunidad, nos apoyamos unos a otros y sepa que estamos pensando en usted y su familia.
Para algunos de nosotros, es difícil saber qué decirles a nuestros hijos cuando los acontecimientos mundiales son tan difíciles. Queríamos brindarle tres recursos que pueden ayudarlo a apoyar y hablar con sus hijos durante estos tiempos difíciles.
- “Cómo Hablar Con los Niños Sobre el Racismo y la Violencia Racial” la Dra. Allison Briscoe Smith que tiene sugerencias importantes sobre cómo apoyar a su hijo en situaciones como esta, así como muchas otras discusiones difíciles con nuestros hijos.
- “Cómo Hablar con los Niños sobre la Violencia, el Crimen y la Guerra.”(Artículo está en Inglés solamente, abajo las recomendaciones están traducidas para usted) y analiza cómo hablar con niños y adolescentes en diferentes niveles de desarrollo.
"Hablarles a los niños sobre violencia: consejos para padres y educadores" de la Asociación Nacional de Sicólogos Escolares
Edades de 2–6
Evite discutir o exponerse a noticias realmente horribles. En la medida posible, espere hasta que los niños pequeños estén en la cama para ver las noticias y guarde las conversaciones hasta que los niños se hayan acostado y se hayan dormido.
No menciones el tema, a menos que crean que saben algo. No hay razón para mencionar los tiroteos escolares, los ataques terroristas, las amenazas de guerra o cosas por el estilo con los niños pequeños. Si sospecha que saben algo, por ejemplo, los oye hablar de ello durante su juego, puede preguntarles al respecto y ver si es algo que necesita más discusión.
Afirme que su familia está a salvo. En el caso de noticias aterradoras, como la situación actual en Washington, DC o incendios en áreas silvestres, incluso si está un poco nervioso, es importante que los niños pequeños sepan que están a salvo, que su familia está bien y que alguien se está ocupando del problema. Los abrazos también hacen maravillas.
Simplifique ideas complejas y siga adelante. Las ideas abstractas pueden complicar las cosas e incluso asustar a los niños pequeños. Use términos concretos y referencias familiares que su hijo entenderá, y trate de no exagerar. Sobre un tiroteo masivo, se podría decir: "Un hombre que estaba muy, muy confundido y enojado tomó un arma y disparó a la gente. La policía está trabajando para asegurarse de que la gente esté a salvo". No mienta, concéntrese en mensajes cortos, concretos y que terminen con mensajes de seguridad.
Edades de 2-6 años
Espere y vea. A menos que pregunten, usted sepa que estuvieron expuestos, o crea que saben algo, no sienta que tiene que discutir noticias horribles o explicar crímenes atroces. Si los niños muestran signos de angustia al actuar ansiosos, retroceder o mostrar algún otro indicio de que algo anda mal, por ejemplo, se muestran reacios a ir a la escuela después del último tiroteo escolar, acérquese a ellos e invítalos a hablar.
Hable … y escuche. Los pre adolescentes mayores escuchan sobre temas relacionados con la violencia, el crimen y la guerra en las redes sociales, YouTube, la televisión y las películas; no siempre son fuentes confiables de hechos. Trate de tener una idea de lo que saben sus hijos antes de lanzarse a una explicación, ya que no quiere angustiarlos más o abrir un tema innecesario. Siéntese preguntando: "¿Qué escuchaste?", "¿Dónde escuchaste eso?", "¿Qué sabes de eso?" Y "¿Qué piensas al respecto?".
Sea honesto y directo. Los preadolescentes pueden averiguar lo que quieren saber de diferentes fuentes y usted quiere que la verdad venga de usted. No es necesario entrar en detalles extremos. Sobre una familia que retuvo a sus hijos como rehenes, puede decir: "Los niños sufrieron muchos diferentes tipos de abuso. Pero fueron rescatados y sus padres arrestados. A menudo, en casos de abuso infantil, los padres están muy enfermos con una enfermedad mental o otros asuntos."
Explica el contexto y ofrece perspectiva. Con su experiencia de vida, conocimiento y sabiduría, puede explicar las diversas circunstancias en torno a ciertos temas. Este es el proceso que le da significado y claridad a las cosas, y es importante que los niños también puedan entender las cosas negativas y desagradables. Para trabajar con las poderosas emociones que pueden provocar las imágenes de palizas, sangre y sufrimiento humano, los niños deben aprender a distanciarse de eventos horribles, comprender las causas subyacentes y quizás involucrarse en formas significativas para mejorar las cosas, como diplomacia y educación.
Suponga que lo saben, pero no asuma que su conocimiento es completo. Los adolescentes obtienen mucha información de fuentes en línea como las redes sociales o YouTube, que pueden ser engañosas o defectuosas. Aún así, es importante respetar su conocimiento y capacidad para aprender cosas de forma independiente porque ese es un proceso que desea fomentar. Aún deberá completar los espacios en blanco, ofrecer un poco de historia y compartir lo que sabe.
Haz que hablen. Los años de la escuela secundaria pueden ser difíciles, ya que los adolescentes comienzan a rechazar las ideas de sus padres, se preocupan por lo que piensan los amigos y desarrollan su propia voz. Esta separación puede ser especialmente difícil cuando ocurren eventos traumáticos o cuando sabes que están interactuando con medios para adultos. Para continuar con el tipo de conversaciones que tenía cuando era más joven, y mantenerse conectado y relevante, resista la tentación de sermonear y, en cambio, pregunte sus opiniones sobre las cosas. Anímelos a que apoyen sus ideas con fuentes de noticias legítimas, no solo repitan lo que otros han dicho. Diga: "Puede que no siempre estemos de acuerdo, pero tengo curiosidad por escuchar lo que tiene que decir".
Acepte sus fuentes, pero amplíe sus horizontes. Los temas de tendencia capturan los titulares, pero los adolescentes tienen la misma probabilidad de encontrarse con temas, historias y personajes provocativos en la televisión y en las películas, como el profesor de química de fabricación de metanfetaminas de Breaking Bad, que hacen que los usuarios hagan clic, vean y compartan. Brinde a los adolescentes las herramientas para ver la información de manera crítica, ya sea que se desplacen por Snapchat, Netflix o un sitio de libertad de expresión para extremistas como 4chan y 8chan. Enséñeles a cuestionar lo que ven preguntándose: "¿Quién hizo esto?", "¿Por qué lo hicieron?", "¿Cuál es su punto de vista?", "¿Qué información no se incluye?" Y "¿Qué piensan mis amigos de esto? " Estas preguntas sobre alfabetización mediática ayudan a los adolescentes a evaluar la información, pensar más allá del titular o el meme gracioso y profundizar en un tema.
Ofrezca esperanza. Los cambios de humor son el sello distintivo de la adolescencia. Pero la exposición a noticias tristes y deprimentes, así como a temas como la violencia, el crimen y la guerra, a través de las redes sociales, los videojuegos y las películas, puede hacer que los adolescentes se cansen del mundo. No finges ser sincero (los adolescentes se darán cuenta de eso), pero habla sobre formas significativas de contribuir con algo al mundo, cualquier cosa que beneficie al bien común. La idea de que puede tener un impacto positivo restaura el alma y aumenta la resistencia que necesitarán durante toda su vida.
Dear DCP Families,
We wanted to update you that the decision to remain in 100% distance learning for the remainder of the school year 2020-21 was approved by our Board of Directors on Wednesday, December 9th. We want to thank all the families who participated in our Public Family Forum on December 7th for sharing your fears, support and love for DCP. Your comments were taken into consideration and we are providing a survey to gather more information on how to better support families during distance learning.
By fully committing to a distance learning program for next semester, we are able to improve the quality and rigor of that program to support students. In addition, we are turning our attention now to identifying ways in which we might use other resources to provide different support to families and students.
We know these are hard times for many members of our community, and we understand our students and families will need other options. In that spirit, we invite you to fill out one more survey before the holidays in order for us to identify and prepare for ways in which we can support your student. Please complete this survey (dcp.org/survey) by Friday, December 18th.
We have included information about a current in-person program we have at two of our middle school campuses through the Boys & Girls Club. As always, you are welcome to reach out to your school sites with questions or contact Mercedes Carbajal at Central Office at 650-479-4914 or mcarbajal@dcp.org and she will direct your questions to the right person.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to supporting DCP and for your ongoing efforts to sustain your child’s commitment to their learning and college dreams.
Amy Fowler, CAO
Lety Villa, ARMS
Terri Furton, ARHS
Jordan Apgar, EPHS
Tony Cuevas, ECMS
Paula Gallant, Controller
Thomas Madson, MDS
Jennifer Andaluz, ED
Ruth Schriver, COO
Boys and Girls Club Program
In-Person Supervision
How we keep children safe:
********************************* Spanish ***************************************
Estimadas Familias de DCP:
Queremos informarles que la decisión de permanecer al 100% en Aprendizaje a Distancia durante el resto del año escolar 2020-21 fue aprobada por nuestra Mesa Directiva el miércoles 9 de diciembre. Queremos agradecer a todas las familias que participaron en nuestro Foro Público Familiar el 7 de diciembre por compartir sus miedos, apoyo y amor por DCP. Sus comentarios fueron tomados en consideración y estamos proporcionando una encuesta para recopilar más información sobre cómo apoyar mejor a las familias durante el aprendizaje a distancia.
Al comprometernos completamente con un programa de aprendizaje a distancia para el próximo semestre, podemos mejorar la calidad y el rigor de ese programa para apoyar a los estudiantes. Además, ahora estamos centrando nuestra atención en identificar formas en las que podríamos usar otros recursos para brindar un apoyo diferente a las familias y los estudiantes.
Sabemos que estos son tiempos difíciles para muchos miembros de nuestra comunidad y entendemos que nuestros estudiantes y familias necesitarán otras opciones. Con eso en mente, lo invitamos a completar una encuesta más antes de las vacaciones para que podamos identificar y prepararnos para las formas en que podemos apoyar a su estudiante. Complete esta encuesta (dcp.org/survey) antes del viernes 18 de diciembre.
Hemos incluido información sobre un programa actual en persona que tenemos en dos de nuestras escuelas secundarias a través del Boys & Girls Club. Como siempre, puede comunicarse con sus escuelas si tiene preguntas o comunicarse con Mercedes Carbajal en la Oficina Central al 650-479-4914 o mcarbajal@dcp.org y ella dirigirá sus preguntas a la persona adecuada.
Gracias a todos los que han contribuido a apoyar a DCP y por sus continuos esfuerzos para mantener el compromiso de su hijo con su aprendizaje y sus sueños universitarios.
Equipo de Liderazgo de DCP
Boys and Girls Club Program
Supervision En Persona
Como mantienen a los estudiantes seguros:
Dear DCP Families,
Over the past 20 years all of us at DCP have dedicated ourselves to serving our students and families in pursuit of our dream of a college education for each and every student. In doing this, we have been committed to doing whatever it takes to serve and provide students and families with the absolute best that we can offer.
After careful consideration, discussions and surveys with families and staff, we have come to the conclusion that DCP should commit to a second semester doing 100% distance learning for the remainder of the school year 2020-21. The DCP leadership team will be recommending this proposal to the Board of Directors on December 9th (details below).
This recommendation was not an easy decision and we recognize that for some families, this decision is inconsistent with the choice you made for your family. Many of you had requested more in-person learning time and we know that you will be disappointed with this decision. In an effort to continue to engage our families in the process, we will be holding an open Forum of question and answer session on Thursday, Dec. 10th at 6pm.
Giving families an opportunity to choose the learning model that best supports their child and thus offer both a hybrid and distance option was our intention. We had worked to prioritize in-person learning for our students who wanted it because the research is clear that for our student community direct engagement with their teachers in rigorous instruction is the most impactful for student learning. We proposed a new approach to the hybrid model and over the past month, we have received significant input from stakeholders regarding our plans to return to hybrid learning for those families who request it. It has become clear that there simply isn’t enough support from DCP staff in a wide variety of roles to execute a hybrid model in ways that will promote both the health and safety of our community and the educational needs of our students.
We knew going into this planning that it would require all members of our community- staff, students, and families-- to make some compromises to allow for such flexibility. We knew that no model could satisfy all members of our community and every model would be susceptible to the changing health conditions in our community.
By fully committing to a 100% distance learning program for next semester, we will be better able to improve the quality and rigor of that program to support students. In addition, we are turning our attention now to identifying ways in which we might use other resources to provide different support to families and students. Please stay tuned for opportunities to give feedback on those options and thank you for participating in surveys and webinars. As always, you are welcome to reach out to your school sites with questions, attend our Forum on December 7th (information below) or contact Mercedes Carbajal at Central Office at 650-479-4914 or mcarbajal@dcp.org and she will direct your concerns to the leadership team.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to supporting DCP and for your ongoing efforts to sustain your child’s commitment to their learning and college dreams.
Amy Fowler, CAO
Lety Villa, ARMS
Terri Furton, ARHS
Jordan Apgar, EPHS
Tony Cuevas, ECMS
Paula Gallant, Controller
Thomas Madson, MDS
Jennifer Andaluz, ED
Ruth Schriver, COO
Family Forum
Monday, December 7, 2020
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8919818210?pwd=U3JjTHBYRlpwRDUyS3ZOcGhUa1F5Zz09
Meeting ID: 891 981 8210
Password: 508963
********************************* Spanish ***************************************
Estimadas familias de DCP:
Durante los últimos 20 años, todos nosotros en DCP nos hemos dedicado a servir a nuestros estudiantes y familias en el camino a nuestro sueño de una educación universitaria para todos y cada uno de los estudiantes. Al hacer esto, nos hemos comprometido a hacer lo que sea necesario para servir y brindar a los estudiantes y familias lo mejor que podamos ofrecer.
Después de una cuidadosa consideración, discusiones y encuestas con las familias y el personal, llegamos a la conclusión de que DCP debería comprometerse a un segundo semestre haciendo 100% de Aprendizaje a Distancia durante el resto del año escolar 2020-21. El equipo de liderazgo de DCP recomendará esta propuesta a la Junta Directiva el 9 de diciembre.
Esta recomendación no fue una decisión fácil y reconocemos que para algunas familias, esta decisión es inconsistente con la elección que tomó para su familia. Muchos de ustedes habían solicitado más tiempo de aprendizaje en persona y sabemos que se sentirán decepcionados con esta decisión. En un esfuerzo por continuar involucrando a nuestras familias en el proceso, llevaremos a cabo un Foro abierto de sesión de preguntas y respuestas el martes 7 de diciembre a las 6 pm.
Nuestra intención era brindar a las familias la oportunidad de elegir el modelo de aprendizaje que mejor apoyara a sus hijos y así ofrecer una opción tanto híbrida como a distancia. Habíamos trabajado para priorizar el aprendizaje en persona para nuestros estudiantes que lo querían porque la investigación es clara, para nuestra comunidad estudiantil, el compromiso directo con sus maestros en una instrucción rigurosa es lo más impactante para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Propusimos un nuevo enfoque para el modelo híbrido y durante el mes pasado, hemos recibido comentarios importantes de las partes interesadas con respecto a nuestros planes para volver al aprendizaje híbrido para aquellas familias que lo soliciten. Ha quedado claro que simplemente no hay suficiente apoyo del personal de DCP en una amplia variedad de roles para ejecutar un modelo híbrido de formas que promuevan tanto la salud y seguridad de nuestra comunidad como las necesidades educativas de nuestros estudiantes.
Sabíamos al entrar en esta planificación que requeriría que todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad (personal, estudiantes y familias) hicieran algunos compromisos para permitir tal flexibilidad. Sabíamos que ningún modelo podría satisfacer a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad y que todos los modelos serían susceptibles a las cambiantes condiciones de salud en nuestra comunidad.
Al comprometernos completamente con un programa de aprendizaje a distancia del 100% para el próximo semestre, estaremos en mejores condiciones de mejorar la calidad y el rigor de ese programa para apoyar a los estudiantes. Además, ahora estamos centrando nuestra atención en identificar formas en las que podríamos usar otros recursos para brindar un apoyo diferente a las familias y los estudiantes. Esté atento a las oportunidades para dar su opinión sobre esas opciones y gracias por participar en encuestas y seminarios web. Como siempre, puede comunicarse con los sitios de su escuela con preguntas, asistir a nuestro Foro el 7 de diciembre (información a continuación) o comunicarse con Mercedes Carbajal en la oficina central al 650-479-4914 o mcarbajal@dcp.org y ella dirigirá su preocupaciones para el equipo de liderazgo.
Gracias a todos los que han contribuido a apoyar a DCP y por sus continuos esfuerzos para mantener el compromiso de su hijo con su aprendizaje y sus sueños universitarios.
Hello DCP families,
DCP offered a parent presentation on Thursday, November 19th on the topic: DCP Reopening Plans - Family Update. If you were not able to attend, the recorded video of the presentation is here. There is a survey you can take in order to provide your feedback, please open the survey and complete as you watch the video. Complete the survey by November 29th.
Video of Presentation: https://youtu.be/qF-lcwh00Hg
Survey due Nov. 29th: https://forms.gle/1B4625RazJNTst9x8
Hola Familias de DCP,
El Centro de Comunidad del Sagrado Corazón ha cerrado y dejado de dar comida hoy Viernes por carro. Esto fue debido a preocupaciones del tráfico. Ellos abrirán otra vez para dar la Comida Festiva el lunes, martes, y miércoles de 9am-4pm. Por Favor tenga paciencia ya que las líneas pueden ser largas.
DCP ofreció una presentación para padres el jueves 19 de noviembre sobre el tema: Planes de Reapertura de DCP - Actualización Familiar. Si no pudo asistir, a continuación esta el video grabado de la presentación. Hay una encuesta que puede realizar para proporcionar sus comentarios; abra la encuesta y complétala mientras mira el video. Complete la encuesta antes del 29 de noviembre.
Video de la Presentacion: https://youtu.be/qF-lcwh00Hg
Encuesta: https://forms.gle/1B4625RazJNTst9x8
DCP Families,
The election is top of mind for everyone. There is historic voting across the country which is the foundation of our democracy. Still, we may not know the outcome of the election today or even in the coming weeks.
DCP has been working to prepare our teachers and staff to support students as they process their reactions to the election. Our goal is to promote dialogue among our students. This begins with encouraging students to form their own judgments and to engage diverse opinions. For students who need additional socio-emotional support, teachers have been asked to connect students to our counselors. We want to ensure a safe environment in our zoom classrooms for all students.
Over the years, the DCP community has endured and persevered through difficult times. By accessing communication channels at our school sites and among families, we’ve been able to find comfort and connection. We encourage families to reach out to one another for support. We’ve provided links to additional external resources below.
DCP’s mission is rooted in equity and opportunity. These are values we strive for in all that we do. Our students are our country’s future leaders. It is our hope that our entire community-- families, students and staff--can leverage historic events such as this election to validate and renew our commitment to our values and our mission.
Resources (English)
- Stressed about the elections? 6 Tips to help you cope
- How to Talk to your Student about the Election
- Mental Health Matters - Resources in Santa Clara County
- The Santa Clara County Suicide Prevention and Crisis Hotline: 1-855-278-4204
********** Spanish Translation ***********
Familias de DCP:
La elección es muy importante para todos. Hay votaciones históricas en todo el país que son la base de nuestra democracia. Aún así, es posible que no sepamos el resultado de las elecciones de hoy o incluso en las próximas semanas.
DCP ha estado trabajando para preparar a nuestros maestros y personal para apoyar a los estudiantes mientras procesan sus reacciones a la elección. Nuestro objetivo es promover el diálogo entre nuestros estudiantes. Esto comienza alentando a los estudiantes a formar sus propios juicios y a participar en opiniones diversas. Para los estudiantes que necesitan apoyo socioemocional adicional, se les ha pedido a los maestros que conecten a los estudiantes con nuestros consejeros. Queremos garantizar un ambiente seguro en nuestros salones por medio de zoom para todos los estudiantes.
A lo largo de los años, la comunidad de DCP ha resistido y perseverado en tiempos difíciles. Por medio de los canales de comunicación en nuestras escuelas y entre las familias, hemos podido encontrar consuelo y conexión. Animamos a las familias a que se comuniquen entre sí en busca de apoyo. A continuación, proporcionamos vínculos a recursos externos adicionales.
La misión de DCP se basa en la equidad y las oportunidades. Estos son valores por los que nos esforzamos en todo lo que hacemos. Nuestros estudiantes son los futuros líderes de nuestro país. Esperamos que toda nuestra comunidad, familias, estudiantes y personal, puedan aprovechar eventos históricos como esta elección para validar y renovar nuestro compromiso con nuestros valores y nuestra misión.
Recursos (En Español)
Dear DCP Families,
Thank you for supporting your students and DCP during distance learning. We miss interacting in person with you and your students and look forward to when we can be together.
For those families requesting in-person instruction, DCP’s Board of Directors approved a resolution to return to in-person instruction in a hybrid setting beginning in January. Making a change at a natural break will minimize disruptions to distance learning since we are already so far along in the semester.
We are in the process of developing the model for how we will return and will be in touch with families in November for input. In the meantime, we continue to implement social distancing and safety measures across all of our sites to prepare for having students and staff on campus.
Please reach out to your school directly for any questions you might have.
Queridas Familias de DCP:
Gracias por apoyar a sus estudiantes y DCP durante el aprendizaje a distancia. Extrañamos interactuar en persona con usted y sus estudiantes y esperamos con ansias el momento en que podamos estar juntos.
Para aquellas familias que solicitaron instrucción en persona, la Mesa Directiva de DCP aprobó una resolución para regresar a la instrucción en persona en un modelo híbrido a partir de enero. Hacer un cambio en enero minimizará las interrupciones en el aprendizaje a distancia, ya que ya estamos muy avanzados en el semestre.
Estamos en el proceso de desarrollar el modelo de cómo regresaremos y estaremos en contacto con las familias en noviembre para recibir sugerencias. Mientras tanto, continuamos implementando medidas de seguridad y distanciamiento social en todos nuestros sitios para prepararnos para tener estudiantes y personal en las escuelas.
Comuníquese directamente con su escuela para cualquier pregunta que pueda tener.
DCP Alum Rock Middle School - Family Survey
DCP Alum Rock High School - Family Survey
Thank you.
DCP Alum Rock Middle School - Encuesta Familiar
DCP Alum Rock High School - Encuesta Familiar
Thank you.
School Reopening 20-21: Family Survey #3
DCP El Primero High School Survey
DCP Alum Rock High School Survey
DCP El Camino Middle School Survey
DCP Alum Rock Middle School Survey
Reopening Parent Survey #2 - due Monday, June 22nd
June 17, 2020
Hello DCP families:
We are working hard on the reopening plans of our schools and we would like your feedback again. We plan to reopen our schools based on recommendations from the county and state departments with regards to social distancing. If one of the recommendations is to move forward with a blended schedule we believe we will be able to serve 50% of our students per day on campus based on our space and social distance protocols. That means, students at DCP will experience two days on-campus learning and three days off-campus, at home doing distance learning.
We would like your feedback on which schedule you prefer if we were to do a blended learning.
Please fill out this SURVEY by Monday, June 22nd.
Thank you for feedback and please look for more letters and surveys over the summer.
School Reopening 20-21 Update: Family Survey
June 9, 2020
Lea esta actualización en español
Dear DCP Families:
We at DCP hope that you and your families are healthy and safe! We are looking forward to seeing your students again and want to update you on our work for the Reopening Plan for the academic year 2020-21. DCP is committed to our students and families and as we plan for next academic year, your input is important to us. As we wait for the final recommendations from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and the California Department of Education guidelines, a DCP Reopening Team is working on different scenarios of how students will be returning to school next year.
We are excited to start the school year on August 11th and we assure you that the safety of our students, staff and our families are at the forefront. It is also our priority to provide the best student learning conditions under the new guidelines. School will likely look different from what we are used to but with your help, we know that we can provide a quality educational experience that continues your child’s journey to college. We know that not having your student in school every day creates new challenges for families. We thank you for your flexibility and resilience as you adjust to new changes, we know it is not easy.
Below are the three scenarios the DCP Reopening Team is planning for and considering. These scenarios could change as it is a work in progress. No final decisions have been made at this time and we will continue to update you as new information is shared.
Scenario 1 - Blended Model: Some percentage of distance learning and some percentage of campus learning. Students will come to campus for a certain number of full days on campus and they will have a certain number of full days of learning at home.
Scenario 2 - 100% Distance Learning: Students continue to learn from home and DCP teachers provide virtual learning classes and materials.
Scenario 3 - 100% On-campus learning: In the event that certain guidelines are lifted and we are able to gather in larger numbers; DCP will have a plan for welcoming all students back to campus.
The scenarios above have not been finalized; that's why we are asking you to complete the Reopening Family Survey by June 14th. We will continue to gather your feedback throughout the summer as we finalize the plan. Please expect to receive more communication and surveys in the next few weeks.
This survey is anonymous and your responses are confidential. Please feel free to complete more than one survey if you have more than one student at DCP. Deadline: June 14th
School Reopening 20-21 Update: Family Survey
June 9, 2020
Dear DCP Families:
We at DCP hope that you and your families are healthy and safe! We are looking forward to seeing your students again and want to update you on our work for the Reopening Plan for the academic year 2020-21. DCP is committed to our students and families and as we plan for next academic year, your input is important to us. As we wait for the final recommendations from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and the California Department of Education guidelines, a DCP Reopening Team is working on different scenarios of how students will be returning to school next year.
We are excited to start the school year on August 11th and we assure you that the safety of our students, staff and our families are at the forefront. It is also our priority to provide the best student learning conditions under the new guidelines. School will likely look different from what we are used to but with your help, we know that we can provide a quality educational experience that continues your child’s journey to college. We know that not having your student in school every day creates new challenges for families. We thank you for your flexibility and resilience as you adjust to new changes, we know it is not easy.
Below are the three scenarios the DCP Reopening Team is planning for and considering. These scenarios could change as it is a work in progress. No final decisions have been made at this time and we will continue to update you as new information is shared.
Scenario 1 - Blended Model: Some percentage of distance learning and some percentage of campus learning. Students will come to campus for a certain number of full days on campus and they will have a certain number of full days of learning at home.
Scenario 2 - 100% Distance Learning: Students continue to learn from home and DCP teachers provide virtual learning classes and materials.
Scenario 3 - 100% On-campus learning: In the event that certain guidelines are lifted and we are able to gather in larger numbers; DCP will have a plan for welcoming all students back to campus.
The scenarios above have not been finalized; that's why we are asking you to complete the Reopening Family Survey by June 14th. We will continue to gather your feedback throughout the summer as we finalize the plan. Please expect to receive more communication and surveys in the next few weeks.
This survey is anonymous and your responses are confidential. Please feel free to complete more than one survey if you have more than one student at DCP. Deadline: June 14th
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