Welcome to the DCP Parent Hub
Please contact Katya Silva if you have any questions
Parent & Student Handbook (English)
Parent & Student Handbook (Spanish)
Past Parent Workshop Presentations
Family Engagement Policy
Resources for Families
Upcoming Workshops and Events
DCP Parents Calendar
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DCP Google Classroom Information
Receive a weekly summary report about your student's work. Please ACCEPT the invitation that was sent to you via email. Watch the video below for more information about Google Classroom. / Reciba un informe de progreso semanal de su estudiante. Favor de ACEPTAR la invitación que se le envió por correo electrónico. Vea el video para más información acerca de Google Classroom.
Mobile Crisis Response Teams
Mobile Crisis Response Teams screen and assess crisis situations over the phone and intervene wherever the crisis is occurring. They provide an immediate response and deliver crisis intervention services at locations throughout the county. These teams respond to individuals in crisis that exhibit mental health symptoms, may be suicidal or at-risk and need an evaluation for psychiatric hospitalization. Teams are made of up licensed clinicians and therapists with training and expertise in crisis response.
Santa Clara County residents can call 1-800-704-0900 Monday-Friday 8am to 8pm, and select option #2 to request a Mobile Crisis Response Team.
More information: English | Spanish | Vietnamese
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
We are collecting parent input to help us develop a "Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan" that describes how we will be supporting your students through Distance Learning and Reopening when we are able to do so. Below are links to our presentations along with a survey for each topic.
Official input deadline has passed but we encourage all parents and families to stay inform and watch these videos to learn more about the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan for 2022-23.
Mental Health Social Emotional Being /
La Salud Mental y Social Emocional
Homeless & Foster Youth /
Jóvenes de Sin Hogar y de Crianza
Special Education Support /
Apoyo de Educación Especial
Live vs Asynchronous Learning /
Aprendizaje "En Vivo" comparado con Asincrono
Reopening Phases /
Fases de Reapertura
Pupil Learning Loss/Differentiated Group
Pérdida de Aprendizaje estudiantíl / Grupos diferenciados
504 Support /
Apoyo del Plan 504
What is Needed to Support your Student during DL
Que Necesita para Apoyar a su Estudiante durante AD
Health & Safety Protocols
Protocolos de Seguridad y Salud
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